Cover Reveal for “Camylyon: The Complete Saga” by Michelle De Leon!

  The release date for Camylyon: The Complete Saga is nearly here!  To further whet your appetite, here’s a first-look at the cover for this superhero serial: Premise:… Read more “Cover Reveal for “Camylyon: The Complete Saga” by Michelle De Leon!”

2nd Fantasy Release from E.A. Comiskey!

On June 30th, Book Two in the Heaven and Earth series will be available on Amazon.


Comiskey is an award-winning writer, and Dwelling in Heaven and Earth is her second novel. Pre-order here!


In the name of safety, the elders have shut out the outside world and demanded a culture of strict conformity. Shifrah’s differences create a mental prison from which she cannot escape–until Donovan rides into town.

The Blood Drinker, Donovan, son of the ancient Prophetess, has come to warn that the demon queen has rallied her army to attack the city. He implores them to disperse across the land, trusting in That Which Is to protect them. The city’s leaders remain adamant that safety is found in the fortress they have built, but, as tensions rise, Shifrah uncovers the gruesome truth of their secret attempts to appease the Bloodless.

Donovan decides to change Shifrah into a Blood Drinker. Combined with her Gifts, she’ll be as powerful as the gods, but she can’t save her people until she learns to overcome her own dark appetites by embracing her dark nature.